ADV Manga |
12 |
Aladdin |
3 |
Alfred A. Knopf |
1 |
Alpha |
3 |
Amphoto Books |
1 |
Andrews McMeel |
4 |
Apple |
1 |
Atheneum |
2 |
Atria |
2 |
Aurora Publishing |
2 |
Avon |
3 | |
1 |
Ballantine Books |
12 |
Bank Street |
1 |
Bantam Books |
17 |
Barnes & Noble Books |
5 |
Barrons Educational Series |
1 |
Basic Books |
1 |
BBS Publishing Corporation |
1 |
Berkley |
6 |
Better Homes & Gardens Books |
2 |
Bloomsbury USA Childrens |
1 |
Blu |
18 |
Bob Ross, Inc. |
1 |
BradyGames |
6 |
Bristol Publishing Enterprises |
1 |
Carlton Books |
1 |
Carousel Books |
1 |
Cavalier Paperbacks |
1 |
Cengage Learning |
1 |
Childrens Classics |
1 |
Clarion Books |
1 |
Clarkson Potter |
1 |
19 |
Creative Publishing international |
1 |
Dark Horse Manga |
7 |
Del Rey |
22 |
Delacorte Press |
1 |
Dell Publishing |
1 |
Deux Press |
4 |
Digital Manga Publishing |
81 |
Disney Press |
1 |
Doubleday |
4 |
Dover Publications |
1 |
DramaQueen LLC |
2 |
Dutton Juvenile |
1 |
Fawcett |
1 |
Firebird |
1 |
FishTank Books |
1 |
Follett Publishing Company |
3 |
For Dummies |
1 |
Garrard Pub Co |
1 |
Go Comi |
25 |
Golden Bell Studios |
1 |
Gramercy |
1 |
Grand Central Publishing |
2 |
Greenwillow Books |
1 |
Grosset & Dunlap |
5 |
Hachette Books |
2 |
Harcourt |
1 |
Harlequin |
2 |
Harper & Row |
1 |
HarperCollins |
3 |
Hermes House |
1 |
Historic Royal Palaces |
2 |
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt |
3 |
Howell Book House |
1 |
Hyperion |
1 |
Ideals Childrens Books |
1 |
J. B. Lippincott Company |
1 |
Jove |
7 |
June |
8 |
Kensington |
1 |
Knopf |
1 |
Kodansha Comics |
100 |
Konemann |
4 |
Kristina T. Marshall |
1 |
Laurel Glen Publishing |
1 |
Laurel Leaf |
1 |
Livr's Editions |
1 |
Lutterworth Press |
1 |
Mariner Books |
1 |
Marlowe & Company |
1 |
McGraw-Hill Education |
1 |
Media Blasters |
8 |
Michael O'Mara Books Limited |
3 |
Mira |
6 |
Modern Curriculum Pr |
1 |
National Geographic |
1 |
Okala Publishing |
1 |
Oxmoor House |
1 |
Penguin Books |
2 |
Periplus Editions HK ltd. |
1 |
Plume |
2 |
Pocket Books |
7 |
Potomac Books |
1 |
Price Stern Sloan |
1 |
Prima Games |
2 |
Publications International Ltd |
1 |
Publications Intl |
2 |
Puffin Books |
1 |
Puffin High Flyer Troll Associates |
1 |
Pyramid |
1 |
Quail Ridge Press |
1 |
Random House |
3 |
Rocketship |
1 |
Scholastic Book Services |
1 |
Scholastic Canada Limited |
1 |
Scholastic Inc. |
1 |
Scholastic Paperbacks |
5 |
Seven Seas |
31 |
Signet |
10 |
Silhouette |
1 |
Simon & Schuster |
3 |
Skylark |
2 |
Spectra |
3 |
Spiegel & Grau |
1 |
Square Enix Manga |
2 |
Sterling |
1 |
Stone Bridge Press |
1 |
SuBLime |
8 |
Tanoshimi |
1 |
1 |
Ten Gallon Press |
1 |
Texan & Tokyo |
1 |
Texan in Tokyo |
2 |
Texas A&M University Press |
1 |
The New Press |
1 |
The University of North Carolina Press |
1 |
Thomas Nelson |
1 |
Thorndike Press |
2 |
Thunders Mouth Pr |
1 |
TokyoPop |
205 |
Touchstone |
1 |
Tuttle |
1 |
University of Illinois Press |
1 |
Vertical |
7 |
Vertigo |
1 |
Vintage |
1 |
VIZ Media |
575 |
W H Freeman & Co |
1 |
Walter Foster Publishing |
1 |
Weber Martin |
1 |
Western Publishing Company |
2 |
Whitman |
1 |
Wilde Life Comics |
1 |
Wiley Publishing |
1 |
William Morrow |
8 |
Yearling |
5 |
Yen Press |
101 |
Zebra Books |
6 |